To place an order to Alaska or Hawaii, please call (231) 252-4450, and one of our representatives would be happy to help!
We ship mostly via UPS and this is typically 1-4 business days for arrival depending on the location. If you would like expedited shipping (overnight, 2 day air, etc) please call and we can provide an accurate quote.


  • Price $13.00 EACH

Snake-A-Way is the worlds only EPA approved, university tested, patented snake repellent.  It has been proven effective against both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.  

When used and applied as directed it is safe to humans, animals and plant life.  

It has been universally approved and endorsed by naturalists, conservationists and ecologists.

Cannot Ship To: AK, CA, HI, ME, SD

Snake-A-Way is effective for up to 3 months. Yield: Treats up to 3 ½ acres

Snake Away Product Features:

  1. Dry granular mixture is easy to apply and can be sprinkled by gloved hand around homes, cabins, trailers, camp sites, and garages.
  2. Effective for 2 to 3 months; effectiveness is not destroyed by rainfall.
  3. Snake-Away is the world's only EPA registered, university tested, patented snake repellent.
  4. Snake-Away is proven effective against both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.
  5. When used and applied as directed, Snake-Away is environmentally friendly to humans, animals and plant life.
  6. Snake-Away has been universally approved and endorsed by naturalists, conservationists and ecologists.
  7. Product efficacy reached over 83% in laboratory testing and almost 100% with field studies run by all 4 branches of the military.

How does Snake Away work?

Dr. T's uses knowledge of the snake's Jacobson's organ which controls a snake's sensory reception ability. As Dr. T's Snake-A-Way Snake Repellent's active ingredient vaporizes, it is brought into the sensory receptor (Jacobson’s organ) of approaching snakes and creates an immediate interference. The result is that the snake’s sensory system temporarily closes down, confounding the snake and scaring it into hasty retreat. This effect is only temporary, and the snake’s sensory functions will return to normal after the snake has retreated far enough away from the treated area.

How to Apply Snake-A-Way:

  1. Using gloves, apply in bands surrounding the area to be protected.
  2. Use bands 4-5 inches wide to repel checkered garter snakes.
  3. For rattlesnakes, use bands 8-12 inches wide.
  4. In yards, lightly sprinkle Snake-A-Way over areas within the treatment band.
  5. When the odor of Snake A way becomes faint, its effectiveness may be diminished. If this occurs during a season when snakes are active, retreat the area with enough of the product to restore the original odor intensity.
  6. Re-treatment may also be necessary after heavy rains.
  7. Do not use this product near streams, ponds, pools, or water supplies. This product is toxic to fish and may contaminate water.
  8. Apply Spring, Summer and Fall.

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Placed where I thought was needed. Unknown results yet, no snakes seen. - Anonymous