Rabbit Scram Professional 10lb
Rabbit Scram Professional 10lb
- Price $69.00 EACH
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Because rabbits are greatly nocturnal, humans rarely see them feeding and foraging in both wild and landscaped settings except near dawn or dusk. But their presence is unmistakable. All too often, the hard- earned results of a homeowners love of gardening is ruined overnight by rabbits that clip, snip and chew away ornamental plants and vegetable gardens, despite the application of rabbit repellents that claim effective protection from foraging, munching rabbits.
When not active, rabbits rest in a depression in the ground called a “form.” Their home range can extend to as much as 15 acres, which is covered on generally the same trails every day. All of life’s needs are found along their daily trails. Even when running from danger a rabbit will usually stay on its trail, which generally loops around in a wide circle.
Rabbits leave signs of their presence. They include prints and scat (droppings). Rabbit scat changes depending on what the animals have been eating. Usually, they are dark pellets the size of peas, and they are sometimes found in piles.
The presence of rabbits in manmade landscapes is also characterized by damage to garden plants, ornamental flowers and shrubs. Rabbit browsing can be distinguished from deer browsing by the appearance of gnawed older woody growth and clean-cut clippings of young stems. A rabbit will leave a clean, angled cut while a deer will leave a rough, jagged cut. Browsing and debarking by rabbits usually does not extend more than 2 1/2 feet above the ground or snow line.
The presence of rabbits does not always result in damage to personal property. Before implementing a control and repellent program, correctly identify the species that caused the damage and compare the time and costs of controls and repellents to the expected level of damage and economic returns. People, whose gardens and landscapes have suffered damage from foraging rabbits, have tried numerous types of physical repellants -- scarecrows, owl and snake effigies, pinwheels, pie pans spinning in the wind and several other creative devices -- to frighten rabbits out of gardens and other areas.
Certainly, frightening devices are simple to use, but they cannot be relied on to protect plants from damage because rabbits acclimate very quickly to noise and movement. Excluding rabbits from valuable plants is a long-term solution to costly damage and relatively easy to enforce. A fence of 1-inch mesh chicken wire will keep all rabbits out of a garden or flowerbed. But where rabbits are found, so too are deer a frequent visitor.
When it comes to accessing urban food-scapes, rabbits are, perhaps, more likely than deer to approach homes and manmade landscapes, and are likely to feed on valuable shrubs, trees, vegetables and ornamental
flowerbeds. At first glance, rabbit foraging seems like it would be less damaging than the browsing of deer. And while rabbits are frequently lone feeders, over time several feeding rabbits can inflict heavy foraging damage on the plants they can reach.
As a result, rabbit deterrents and repellants range wide across the horizon of the imagination. Numerous offensive products – both professionally and personally cooked up to protect ornamental shrubs, trees, flowerbeds and vegetable gardens – are made to attack their taste buds and their noses. Many of these repellants temporarily turn rabbits away, but their cleverness eventually results in failed remedies.
Fencing, too, is often tried to prevent rabbits from getting into gardens, and, it is, indeed, a great solution. Rabbit fencing is often attractive and need not be over 2 to 3 feet tall (unlike obtrusive deer fencing). But rabbits readily dig under fencing unless it's extended below the surface ... as much as 12 inches!
Instead, rabbit repellents must instill rabbits with the fear of physical harm, which almost always naturally occurs with predators. Indeed, it is only the fear of death that effectively breaks their behavior, whether it’s in a yard or in the woods. To turn rabbits away from the foods they want, they must sense an assault upon their security. This is best done by taking advantage of their sense of smell for locating food and survival. Their nose will lead them to return over and over again to areas where food is tasty, abundant and safe to forage. Disrupt their sense of security and you’ve achieved the primary factor for turning rabbits away from your valuable plants, gardens, shrubs and trees.
Rabbit Scram is your best rabbit repellent because it attacks a rabbit’s sense of safety. Blended from selected organic components, Rabbit Scram will keep rabbits off your plantings because, through their sense of smell, Rabbit Scram convinces rabbits that harm is nearby.
As rabbits near the applied barrier of Rabbit Scram, rabbits actually alert to a sense of danger – even death! Rabbit Scram's unique scent of death reaches the rabbits and triggers a genetic biological defense mechanism to flee from predators. The association of the fear of death with Rabbit Scram will lead to a
profound learning experience for the rabbits and, with proper re-application of Rabbit Scram, the rabbits will not return to the area. And where trenching and burying your rabbit fencing isn't in your game plan, simply sprinkle Rabbit Scram around the perimeter of the fence in the usual 16-inch barrier strip. Rabbit Scram will STOP the rabbits from digging under the fence!
Rabbit Scram is an all-natural, biodegradable rabbit repellent that guarantees pesky rabbits will stop feeding on your prized gardens, shrubs and trees for 45 to 60 days with a single application. Rabbit Scram is a fully organic granular rabbit-control product that contains no harmful chemicals or toxins that could hurt the animals, environment and, most importantly, you or your family.