To place an order to Alaska or Hawaii, please call (231) 252-4450, and one of our representatives would be happy to help!
We ship mostly via UPS and this is typically 1-4 business days for arrival depending on the location. If you would like expedited shipping (overnight, 2 day air, etc) please call and we can provide an accurate quote.


  • Price $12.75 EACH
  • Order 6 at $12.00 EACH

    Mole Patrol is a ready to use pelleted bait designed specifically to be accepted by moles.

    Non-Restricted Use

    Bait Palatability along with Diphacinone, an anti-coagulant used in agriculture, make this dual purpose pelleted bait extremely effective.

    High acceptance is the result of incorporating natural ingredients into the pellet.

    This bait does have antidotal remedies in cases of accidental dog injestion. Talprid doesn’t.

    Directions are easy to follow and product has prolonged shelf life as well as tunnel life. High results with less risk.

    Available in these States:

    Alabama Maine Rhode Island
    Arkansas Maryland Vermont
    California Minnesota Virginia
    Florida Mississippi Washington
    Georgia Missouri West Virginia
    Idaho Nebraska Wisconsin
    Illinois New Hampshire  
    Indiana New Jersey  
    Kansas Oregon  
    Kentucky Pennsylvania

    Recommended Products

    Elikminates moles

    When one follows the directions, this product works every time. First, I identify an active run by making a hole with a 1/2 inch stick in a run, marking it with a small flag, and checking it the next day. If that hole is filled, I remake it and put about a teaspoon of Mole Patrol in the hole and cover it with a stone or dirt. I repeat this process a couple of times on that run. Mole activity stops until a new mole comes along months later which is always the case in good rich dirt in the Mississippi Valley. - Anonymous

    Mole Patrol User

    I have used this product for years and very pleased with the outcome. We have tried traps and repellers without much luck. I have recommended this product to several people. Also it is much easier to use than setting the traps and mowing around the repellers. - Anonymous


    I was shocked at how fast this product arrived.....we have had a very mild winter and the moles are taking over! I started putting it down according to directions and it took about a week of repeating the treatment but they finally are gone!! Before I received my mole patrol, they were winning the battle! Not anymore!! I have driven those varmits to my neighbor's yards, and I am NOT telling them about my secret weapon! - Elizabeth M

    Mole Patrol

    Seems to be working but our yard has numerous moles so I have my work cut out for me. - Mark Andreas

    not happy

    followed the directions. The moles are still here!! - Anonymous

    Mole patrol

    I have moles every i year in my pasture. This is the only thing that I have found that works!
    - Anonymous

    Mole Patrol works!

    I have used mole patrol for years! It works better than any other product I’ve ever tried. And it is priced reasonably. Just follow the directions. Depending on their numbers you will eventually have NO MOLES! - Anonymous

    It’s the best!

    I’ve had a severe problem with moles in yard and pasture. This is the only product that actually works. Ive use this for the past several years. I first found it in a store..not sure which one, but now can only find it on line,
    It honestly it is the only one that has worked for me. I highly recommend!
    - Linda

    Mole Patrol

    It is the only one that really works for us - Anonymous