HAGz Spring Clips
HAGz Spring Clips
- Price $1.15 EACH
- Order 12 at $0.95 EACH
12 Clips per bag.
- Stabilizes Body Grip Traps... Designed for 160's and smaller (XL version fits 220's-330's)
- ALWAYS ATTACHED to your trap
- Works on 3/8" rods (fiberglass or steel)
- Can also be used with the HAGz® Bracket for Extreme Versatility (stabilize on rocks, logs, etc)
- Weighs .52 Oz/each
- Patent Pending
- Made in USA
- Always ATTACHED to your TRAP! Never lose or forget it
- Allows you to orient trigger wires in any position you want, not where the device allows (top, bottom, left, right)
- Unleashes new setting opportunities.
- Fast and Efficient; No need to find the 'perfect' stick that the spring eye will fit over
- Small and non-intrusive, weighs .52 ounces and doesn't restrict the use of the spring eye
- Great for those that pack in and are limited on pack basket space!
- Insert The HAGz® Spring Clip between the rungs in the spring coils
- To use as an Adjustable Set:
- Position Trap
- Set Body Grip Trap
- Slide the hole in the HAGz® Spring Clip over a 3/8" rod
- Release to allow the HAGz® Spring Clip to lock on the rod when at the desired height
- Position Trap
- Optionally: For extreme versatility or to use so it falls-away - (Requires HAGz® Bracket)
- Mount HAGz® Bracket to virtually any object (stick, log, rock, bridge wall, etc)
- Set Body Grip Trap
- Insert the HAGz Spring Clip into either of the large slots in the HAGz® Bracket
- Wire/ Cable off trap as desired as it will release from the HAGz® Bracket when a catch is made
- Orient Trigger Wires: (up, down, left or right)
- Rotate the trap to orient triggers wires as desired
- Flipping the HAGz® Spring Clip over on the rod allows for 2 other trigger positions
- Installing Clip:
- Using a wide, flat head screwdriver, open one of the rungs in the spring by 'wedging' it in and 'turning' it - (the wider the screwdriver the better)
- Insert the Clips flat side between the spring coils - Inserting from the center of the spring eye and through the spring coil
- Remove the screw driver
- Open the next spring rung
- Using pliers, get a bite on the back of the clip and the outer edge of the spring and squeeze the clip through the spring
- Stabilizing Trap
- To use as an Adjustable Set:
- Set Body Grip Trap
- Slide the hole in the HAGz® Spring Clip over a 3/8" rod
- Release to allow the HAGz® Spring Clip to lock on the rod when at the desired height
- Optionally: For extreme versatility or to use so it falls-away - (Requires HAGz® Bracket)
- Mount HAGz® Bracket to virtually any object (stick, log, rock, bridge wall, etc)
- Set Body Grip Trap
- Insert the HAGz® Spring Clip into either of the large slots in the HAGz® Bracket
- Wire/ Cable off trap as desired as it will release from the HAGz® Bracket when a catch is made
- To use as an Adjustable Set:
- Orient Trigger Wires: (up, down, left or right)
- Rotate the trap to orient triggers wires as desired
- Flipping the HAGz® Spring Clip over on the rod allows for 2 other trigger positions
TIP: *Installing clips in the same orientation, same spring side, etc makes it easier to understand trigger orientation based on how you run the clip on the rod