To place an order to Alaska or Hawaii, please call (231) 252-4450, and one of our representatives would be happy to help!
We ship mostly via UPS and this is typically 1-4 business days for arrival depending on the location. If you would like expedited shipping (overnight, 2 day air, etc) please call and we can provide an accurate quote.


  • Price $133.75 EACH

Model DT1 is our feral cat drop trap designed with help from the Neighborhood Cats organization.  This feral cat trap collapses to 36"x18"x3" for easy storage and transportation and is easy to set up in seconds with no tools required.  When set up this trap measures 36L" x 36W" x 14"H for a total of 9 square feet of trapping space.

These convenient feral cat traps allow you to catch wary or trap shy cats with a simple pull of the string.  The drop trap comes with a built on prop, easy release sliding door, and a weight flap to hold the trap in place.

The easy release door lines up perfectly with model 306NC transfer cage and features attaching spring clips provided on the trap for secure transfer from trap to transfer cage.

Drop traps are simply the most effective way to catch trap shy cats or multiple cats at one time. (Does not include string)

Recommended Products

Drop trap

It's a drop trap that you can fold down easily. - Anonymous

no more cats

There were 3 feral cats near my home. 2 simply would not enter a regular live trap. The drop trap worked quickly and efficiently as well as humanely. Well made and worth the price. - Jim J.

Great catch

I trap cat for spay and neuter year round. Spring is my busy time, calls flood in about pregnant cats hourly.
I use my new drop trap at two new sites and was able to catch 5 additional cats, each of whom, walked by my standard traps!
This trap will always be in my vehicle ready for use.
- B. D.

Love It!!!!

I was excited to get this trap. I've been trying to catch this feral mama that kept having litter after litter. She would not go into a conventional trap. The directions were purrfect and the hints quite helpful even tho she wouldn't go toward the light after covering the trap. Had to coax her with the help of a yardstick I had in my car. Caught her and her last baby at the same time with rotisserie chicken pieces making a trail leading to the dish under the trap. Happy to say all four babies and mama are fixed and have been vaccinated. Yea! Success! The only thing of concern was the trap arrived slightly bent on the
top cover part.. I was able to bend it a little so it worked but I suggest putting protection around the edges when shipping. I am sure it was damaged during the shipping process that cost $20! Products should arrive in purr-fect condition. Otherwise everything else was great. 0h I thought the trap was quite pricey but when I got it and realized how ingenious the fold away design is it was so worth it! I recommend this to all feral kitty t/n/r people. - Charlene T.

Awesome- just trapped an impossible cat. thank you for making it possible. it was easy and easy to transport too.

we were trying to trap a colony cat who had been box trapped before and just couldnt get him. He had a bad wound. Once he saw the others eating under the trap we got him and a friend: let the friend go using the transfer cage and got him using the transfer cage and forks to guide him in. He got to E R vet and is recovering in a home, will go to a forever foster home next week
Many thanks. Let me know if you want images? happy to share a success story!
- barbara L

Worked perfectly!

My cat ran out of my house after the door was open for a few minutes (normally she just ignores it, but this time, she made a dash and then got freaked out). She won't go into a traditional trap after seeing a local skunk caught in it (another story for another day), but we caught her in 10 minutes once food was set out under this! Perfect for those cats that won't enter a traditional trap. - Anonymous

Drop trap

I was nervous using a large trap..but caught a mom cat who needed surgery and 2 kittens my first week. I say that is a great success! So happy I ordered one. Works wonderful with a transfer cage. Thanks! - Kathy

Drop trap

I was nervous using a large trap..but caught a mom cat who needed surgery and 2 kittens my first week. I say that is a great success! So happy I ordered one. - Kathy

drop trap

i had been trying to catch a feral cat and her kittens who were abandoned by there owner on my property for weeks and the normal trigger traps didnt work, caught all of them in 1 try with this drop trap. the drop trap shipped out a bit late but that was due to Tomahawk having a delayed shipment nothing to do with animaltrapsandsupplies. john kept in contact with me about the info and gave me the tracking number, he was a great contact. 10/10 for overall everything being amazing - briana

Fast & Safe

I wished I would’ve bought one of these a long time ago. We’ve been pestered by raccoons eating the feral food for years! Within five minutes of catching a huge raccoon that would’ve never go in my other trap, it was transferred and on its way to be relocated. Used my Hav-a-heart as the transfer cage by putting boards on the side, arming it, then opening the pull up door. With just a tiny push from a piece of bamboo, she went right in. Be sure you have lots of weight on back flap. Thank you!!! - Gayle

Drop trap review

This trap is amazing! It is well built, easy to assemble/use, and most importantly very humane. It comes with springs so you can attach the transfer cage. With God's help, I was able to catch my ferral kitty on the first try. This trap is worth the price I paid for it.....Thank you so much for an awesome product! - Lynn from WA state

Feral trap

Thank you very fast delivery. - Terry odonnell

A necessity

I have 3 of these drop traps. They are holding up well and get the job done - Anonymous

drop trap for hard to catch cats

After months of trying to capture a female feral cat who kept having litters- finally got her with drop trap. She just didn't want to walk inside conventional trap and other cats were always distracting her. So happy we finally got her and she can have a much better life!! - Joanne Fall

Works Geeat

This shipped quickly. The set up was easy, instructions were clear. It works great and has been in the weather for a week now with no issues. - Jessie

Great Company

This product seemed like a great fit as I was trying to trap a feral cat that avoided my other trap. But then I got him and I was able to cancel my order because this company so graciously understood and credited my money back and cancelled order days later. I don't know too many places that would do that. So even tho I didn't get the item I ordered - I wanted to leave a review because I was so impressed with the customer service. Wonderful company. Please use use them should you need anything. - Dorothy Libby

Great product!

Got this trap and the transfer unit. They worked seamlessly together to trap feral cats who are leery of the smaller trap units. - Anonymous

Drop trap

I love this trap. Prior to my purchase I had to borrow the drop trap from a shelter. The experience of the trap is the patience to sit and wait for the one cat you want to capture. I have enjoyed the set up because it is so easy and strong to hold the biggest male. The transfer is easy with a trap and the springs to hold it in place. Any trapper needs one of these. - TNR

Trap Success

I was able to catch 5 trap smart cats with this trap. It was easy to set up and disassemble. I would highly recommend this trap. - Anonymous

Surprised it was so easy

This worked on a cat who was too smart to be trapped the same old way again. I set it up, tied the string, put some wet food in it, and within a couple of minutes, he was in trapped. I do have to say if you don’t have the transfer cage, it’s pretty challenging to get the animals moved. Trapping is actually the easy part here. It’s the transfer that can be tricky. Just be aware when you purchase this trap that you need a plan on what to do next. - RJ

Drop Trap

We have purchased through your company many times. Your prices are fair and quality of product great. Thank you :) - Pawsibilities Are Endless

Tomcat box trap

Haven’t used the trap yet but the customer service was good - Pam walker

Very sturdy

Have not used it yet but very impressed with how sturdy and well-made this trap is. Large enuf for getting my two feral cats in it down the road to be neutered. Excellent quality. The instructions included are very helpful. This site also had the best price. Highly Recommend. - Mary Murphy

Drop Trap

So easy to set up and use. I caught a feral female cat the very first time I tried with the drop trap!! She always avoided the regular animal traps. - Crystal

TNR cat/kitten rewcue

I have been borrowing traps for years from local TNR rescue groups and they are often cumbersome and old. I’m so happy to have my own now so I don’t have to wait and borrow anything. Great immediate service from ATS as well. Thank you! - Anonymous


We had hoped to trap a cat that had been coming around for over a year. We feared he would be skeptical to go anywhere near it. The instructions are really good about placement of food which isn't necessarily intuitive so that was great. Within the first day we caught the feral cat. The construction is amazing and collapses for placement anywhere. Couldn't be happier and more relieved as I looked long and hard for the perfect trap. Found it and trapped successfully without any harm to the animal. Also, the owner of the company was super helpful and responsive. Received trap very quickly. Thank you. - Kathleen


This trap worked flawlessly. When all other traps failed this one caught the smartest of the smart feral cats. I don't expect anymore feral kittens in our future. When your normal trap doesn't work anymore, upgrade to the drop trap. You can thank us later. Also, when you're done using this trap it folds up neatly for easy storage. Thanks Traps and Supplies. - Anonymous

Thank you Thank you Thank you

I tried nightly for 3 months straight to trap a sweet but scared and shy kitty. I almost gave up until I bought the Tomahawk Drop Trap from Animal Traps and Supplies. It only took 5 minutes before I was able to safely trap this precious cat!! I kicked myself for not buying this sooner. Also, Animal Traps and Supplies pleasantly surprised me with faster than expected shipping!! It was an all around wonderful experience. Thank you Animal Traps and Supplies!! P.s. I highly recommend purchasing the transfer cage, too. Don't risk an escape after making an effort of traping. - Penelope

Excellent Product

This trap is the best!!!! i had almost 3 years trying to catch a feral cat without any luck with the regular traps. I bought this drop trap and I got the cat the first day i put it outside. Excellent product to catch hard to get cats.

- Raul Minjares

We caught the cat the first day

I tried for months to catch a neighborhood cat to provide her a home. But she avoided most traps, so I invested in this drop trap. I put the trap near her feeding station but didn’t set it up. Then I set it up and put her favorite canned food in it, then I walked away so she felt safe eating the food.
Three days later, she wasn’t paying a bit of attention to me, so I quickly pulled the rope attached to the leg and the trap fell, with her inside. She now lives inside our home. - Marilyn

Drop Trap

We use this trap for kittens and cats. Works every time! We love it. - Kitten Angels

Great Trap

Very well made. Cats get used to it quickly. - Enad

Drop Trap

The drop trap worked like a charm. I finally caught the largest kitten maker in the feral cat colony in my neighborhood. I participate in the Trap Neuter Release program in our area so this was a large win for every one. Thank You for a great product.
, - Brian Pickering


Used drop trap for the first time successfully with trap savvy feral cat. Fast shipping. - Linda

Great trap

Received my trap very quickly and it is a great trap. I use it to catch feral cats for TNR and it works perfectly! - Anonymous

Drop Trap

Very beneficial trap for capturing cats who won't go into regular humane traps. Now I can get more of the hard to catch cats spayed and neutered! - Bev

Great Trap and Price

Great trap and price. Very easy to deal with - Charlie


Allowed me to trap two wary cats. They ignored the other type. - Steve

Great service. Great trap. We saved some feral kitties. ❤️

Great service. Very helpful. The trap helped us trap some feral kitties so we could get them fixed and vetted.


Easy to use

Drop Trap is really easy to open box and set up. Just attach a string to pull trap lever and set a weight on attached trap anchor bar. Caught 6 Feral Cats on first try. Thank you ATS! - Jaime G.


This is the only way I can catch and release the ferals from the friendlies felines. Great product, well built! - Lynn

Life saver

This drop trap is easy to set up and take down. It's been instrumental in trapping the ferals around me. Some of the wilder ones refuse to go in the smaller traps. This site has the best price also. - RLO