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AuSable Brand Rotating Bobcat & Coyote Trap Drag / Grapple 3/8"

  • Price $2.95 EACH

AuSable® Brand Rotating Coyote Drags Trap 3/8" Each

This 2 prong Coyote and Bobcat Drag is constructed of 3/8" Steel Rod and is revolutionary to trap grapple drags.  Unlike other current trapping drags on the market today.  AuSable Brand drags have the ability to spin like that of a propeller on a boat, making it easier for the drag to get tangled up on brush quicker than standard drags.

The drag measures 9" long and 10" wide.  Drags work great in sandy or loose soil were stakes will not hold and to keep your catch out of everyones view.

Make sure to attach approx. 4 foot of chain when using trap drags for coyote and bobcat.