To place an order to Alaska or Hawaii, please call (231) 252-4450, and one of our representatives would be happy to help!
We ship mostly via UPS and this is typically 1-4 business days for arrival depending on the location. If you would like expedited shipping (overnight, 2 day air, etc) please call and we can provide an accurate quote.


  • Price $42.65 EACH

ADVION ant bait gel is specifically formulated to be tasty to all major species of ants.  Advion ant gel contains the new active ingredient, Indoxacarb, a powerful, nonrepellent insecticide.  The slight delay in death caused by Indoxacarb, encourages ants to eat the bait and return to the nest site to share the bait with other ants, eventually killing the entire colony.

Use of Advion will help eliminate ants within days of application.



Advion Ant Bait Gel takes advantage of the natural behavior of ants. Foraging worker ants are attracted to the sweet formula of the bait. After consuming the bait, the foraging ants will return to the nest and share the bait with the rest of the colony, including the queen(s). By ingesting the active ingredient Indoxacarb the ant’s nervous system is disrupted, ultimately ending in death.

Indoxacarb is an oxadiazine pesticide originally manufactured and patented by DuPont. Since Indoxacarb is the only chemical in its class, it offers laboratory-tested benefits that other pesticides simply cannot duplicate. For starters, Indoxacarb remains active even after digestion so it can be passed along to other insects through bait sharing. It is the first pest control bait that scientists have found to remain active after it has been transferred twice after the first lethal dose. Passing poison like this from one insect to another is known as horizontal transfer.


All major species of ants

PESTS CONTROLLED WITH ADVION ANT BAIT GEL: all major species of ants, including Acrobat, Argentine, Big-headed, Carpenter, Cornfield, Crazy, Field, Ghost, Harvester, Honey, Little black, Odorous house, Pavement, Pharaoh, Pyramid, Red Imported Fire Ant, Rover, Thief, and White-footed


Advion Ant Bait Gel can be used whenever listed ants are present and foraging for sweets. Bait is simple and convenient to use, and it is ideal in situations where sprays may not be desired. Baits have extremely low toxicity in mammals, so they are safe to use in sensitive areas. Baits are also applied in cracks and crevices, so application is discreet. Advion Ant Bait Gel lets the ants take the product to the colony for you, avoiding the guesswork of finding a nest.

Advion Ant Bait Gel is also very light in color, making it ideal for placements on lighter surfaces where darker baits would be noticeable.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Indoxacarb 0.05%


Unscrew the blue tip that comes on the tube of gel. Replace with the enclosed long application tip to assist in applying gel bait directly into crack and crevices. Remove and clean the application tip after use, cleaning as needed, and replace with the closed cap before storing to keep gel from drying.

ADVION ant gel should be applied as spots of gel or small lines of gel.

  1. Placements of spots or lines of gel should be close to active foraging trails, nest sites, or to areas known to be active.
  2. Apply approximately 1/4" in. diameter spots (about the size of a pea).
  3. Apply lines of ADVION ant bait gel of approximately 1/8" wide and 2" long; up to 3" long for highly active foraging trails.
  4. Apply as many placements as possible to active trails or foraging areas without disrupting the natural behavior of the ants.

Advion ant bait gel may be used effectively in ant bait stations.

*Always read the product label completely before use.

**Do not disturb the natural behavior of trailing ants or foraging ants, placements should be made NEAR the ants, but not on them or in the middle of the trail. By disrupting their normal behavior, bait avoidance may occur.**

Each 30 gram tube of Advion Ant Bait Gel yields approximately 30 bait placements. Each box of four tubes yields approximately 120 bait placements.


Residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial areas, including single and multi-family residential buildings, schools, commercial and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, zoos, food handling/storage establishments) and transportation equipment such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, and buses.


Indoor applications can include cracks and crevices; along walls or floors, in and around furniture and cabinetry, behind or under appliances, around sinks, within or near garbage collection areas, attics and crawl spaces. Inspect applications periodically for consumption/activity and apply additional bait as needed. Do not apply to surfaces that food contacts or to areas that are routinely washed, such as food preparation surfaces.

Do not apply Advion Ant Bait Gel to surfaces where the temperature exceeds 120-130 degrees F because this could cause the bait to liquefy and lose effectiveness.


See above for general application instructions.

ADVION ant bait gel may be applied to pest entry sites such as along windows, doors, between construction elements, sewer areas, adjacent trees which ants are using as a nesting site, along walls, garbage holding areas, or other places acting as an ant nesting site. Inspect applications periodically for consumption/activity and apply additional bait as needed.

Extreme heat or cold, direct sunlight and water may reduce the residual effectiveness. Apply Gel outdoors into bait stations such as Ant Café Refillable Bait Stationsto protect bait from dust, rain, and sunlight.


  • Advion ant bait gel is translucent, has no odor, and is a non-staining formulation that stays fresh for extended periods. This allows ants to eat more Advion ant bait gel over an extended period of time, resulting in control and elimination of entire colonies.
  • Advion ant gel contains a unique active ingredient unlike any other ant gel, so it performs like no other.
  • Pet safe when used as directed.
  • Formulation is highly attractive to sweet-feeding ants.
  • Labeled for a wide variety of household ants.
  • Bait is easy and convenient to apply with enclosed plunger or a bait gun.



  • Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.
  • Once a tube is opened, it should be used within 6 months for best results.
  • Remember that different species of ants forage at different times of day, and colony sizes can greatly vary.
  • Bait will dry up quickly if used on porous surfaces such as paper, concrete, or cardboard. Use a less porous surface such as bait plate stations, if needed.
  • Do not use bait in the same areas as residual repellent sprays or where there may be residue from harsh cleaning products.
  • Do not spray products on top of bait, as this may cause the bait to be less palatable.
  • Avoid bait placements in areas exposed to air currents, such as in front of vents, as this will cause the bait to dry out more quickly.
  • It is always recommended to use a protein bait, such as Maxforce Complete Granular Bait, in conjunction with a sweet bait such as Advion Ant Bait Gel.